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Turmeric Powder

Turmeric Powder

  • Flavor: Turmeric powder should have a warm, slightly earthy flavor with a hint of bitterness. Haldi Powder Supplier in Telanaga
  • Particle size: Turmeric powder should be of a uniform particle size, with no significant variation. The particle size should be appropriate for the intended use. For example, a finer powder may be preferred for use in sauces or gravies, while a coarser powder may be preferred for use in rubs or marinades. ry Turmeric Powder Exporter in India
  • Moisture content: Turmeric powder should have a low moisture content. This helps to preserve the quality of the turmeric powder and extend its shelf life. The moisture content should be below 10%.
  • Foreign material: Turmeric powder should be free from foreign material, such as dirt, stones, or other debris. This ensures that the turmeric powder is safe to eat and use.Organic Turmeric Powder Exporter in Hyderabad